Mark A Haughton Quantum Vibrational Numbers

Mark Haughton author and a benevolent man who seeks to educate & inspire those who are in desire of attaining Abundance, freedom and connection with the universe. Any material found oor website is intended for informational purposes only

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Private Group Mentoring

The Quantum Consciousness Formula

Private group mentoring online workshop platform

Gain Access To The Private group mentoring online workshop platform.!


Introducing the quantum consciousness online coaching formula.


– Consciousness


On a base level, consciousness is the fact of being awake and processing information. Doctors judge people conscious or not depending on their wakefulness and how they respond to external stimuli. But being conscious is also a neurological phenomenon, and it is part of what allows us to exist and understand ourselves in the world.

– Quantum Physics


Quantum physics is a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles. The word quantum derives from the Latin meaning “how great” or “how much”. In quantum physics, it refers to a discrete unit assigned to certain physical quantities such as the energy of an atom at rest.


This platform is designed as an interactive teaching and mentoring module. I will be personally involved in mentoring and guiding everyone to achieve a radical new way of thinking using the subconscious mind and quantum mechanics. This new level of awareness will enhance your ability to manifest and achieve your goals in an easy and effortless manner via your subconscious/higher self-mind.


How will this help you? Discipline (if followed as instructed) Deliberate Creation Rapid Alignment Present Moment Awareness “Being In The NOW” Abundance – Lottery Winnings Establish direct communication w/ your Higher-Self Increased intuitive nudges Inspired action Neuroplasticity – Create & Develop Reality Loops Of Success

Here is what you get from the Mentoring Workshop Group.

Daily Rituals of success Blue Print

Manifesting Lottery Winnings Using the Subconscious Mind Audio Course

Beginners course

Intermediate Level Coaching Audio Book

Expert Level Coaching Audio Book

Money Magnetizer Subliminal Manifestation Audio Video

Win The Lottery Subliminal Meditation for listening

Attract Instant Money

Law Of attraction Accelerator Guided Hypno-Energetic Meditation

Release Resistance

Winning The Lottery Manifestation Subliminal Audio Video

Limiting Beliefs Removal

Neuro-Subconscious Limiting Belief Removal Subliminal

100x Powerful Lottery Affirmations

Money Magnet Subliminal Meditation for Listening

Plus a lot more Audio & Videos to help you manifest your desires.


After Payment contact me with your Facebook user name so I can add you to the group.


$28.88 Per Month

P.S. No Refunds Once a member.