Mark A Haughton Quantum Vibrational Numbers

Mark Haughton author and a benevolent man who seeks to educate & inspire those who are in desire of attaining Abundance, freedom and connection with the universe. Any material found oor website is intended for informational purposes only

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Money Magnet Subliminal

The Quantum Consciousness Formula

Manifest your Infinite supply of Wealth & Abundance


Are you working hard but constantly struggling financially?


You can have anything you desire! You can manifest all the money you want in your life. In fact, whatever your subconscious mind believes to be true it creates in your reality.

Right now, your subconscious mind is filled with beliefs of lack, fear, poverty, and scarcity which it takes for truth. As a result, you end up attracting and manifesting circumstances, events, and results based on those beliefs. Right now if abundance came into your life it wouldn’t last long, because your limiting beliefs of lack, poverty, desperation, and fear are still there.

Here’s the good news!

If your beliefs on a subconscious level changed into beliefs of abundance, wealth and prosperity – you would manifest it into your life. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions would begin to resonate with the frequency of abundance, wealth and prosperity – leading to more money effortlessly coming into your life from unexpected and expected sources.

Why This Meditation Can Bring You Success This meditation has been uniquely created to help you manifest more money into your life.


The tone of my voice emits a soft monotone resonance that allows your mind to enter theta state, which brings your subconscious creative mind to a state of awareness. The subliminal messages are infused with background alpha/theta waves. Alpha/theta waves are the frequency waves that reach your subconscious
mind to take instructions

Over time, your subconscious will accept these new beliefs as truth, resulting into more manifestations of money in your life.

How to Use This Meditation.
Use earphones/headphones. Listen to both tracks each day for 90 days (minimum).
Remember to keep your eyes closed.

Track 1 (60 mins): Listen to track one while falling asleep or going to bed. This is extremely powerful as the subconscious mind is the gateway to higher intelligence and thus can create a more intuitive connection with your true self/ higher-self.

The subconscious mind never sleeps or takes a break – It is always paying attention and absorbing everything that is going on, even when you are asleep.

Track 2 (10 mins): Listen to track two anytime time during the day as a meditation

A further overview of how this meditation will benefit you:

More wealth, abundance and prosperity

Faster manifestations

Deliberate creation

Neuroplasticity – Create & Develop Reality Loops Of Success

Establish direct communication with your higher self

Rapid alignment

Increased intuitive nudges

Inspired action

Subconscious alignment

Present moment awareness “Being In The NOW”

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