Revealed: The Hidden Potential of The "NEW"

 Vibrational Formula And How It Can Change Your Lottery Jackpot Forever

"Finally! A way to get massive jackpots that actually work..."

From the desk of Mark Haughon

Miami Florida

Today I want to share with you the single most effective strategy I've ever seen for creating wildly high vibration from the universe.

I'm talking about a powerful manifesting method that has required little-to-no creative brain power from it's users, but gets your subconscious mind working for you.

Resulting in more folks like you manifesting more jackpots.

More jackpots more money to your wallet...

And of course, more cars, houses, vacations.  From the winnings you will have.

Every single day...

All from the EXACT SAME amount of time you are already spending...

I call it "The Vibrational Formula!"

And after 10 years of studying Quantum Physics 

I can tell you I have not seen anything simpler or easier at improving manifesting on command.

When you plug this system into your subconscious mind, you don't have to dream-up or brainstorm a ton of ways to manifest...

...because the strategy literally handles all of that for you.

  ❌ This isn't about "hard to learn witchery...

  ❌ You don't have to work hard at manifesting...

  ❌ And you don't have to worry if it will work or not.

You don't have to do any of that stuff.

In reality , all of that stuff is just manipulating and does not work.

band-aid solutions, to make it LOOK like your manifesting is working.  

(AKA: Garbage!)

Instead, The Vibrational Formula strategy will automatically help you manifest more of your desired results.

So you can manifest more of your lottery jackpots as you want.  To as many or as few as you want.

Because when it comes to getting what you want in a lottery jackpot no matter the time of day or year.

The Vibrational Formula just works.

This strategy was born out of necessity.

Years ago my life was different I could not fit into any kind of lifestyle.  

I could not win at anything or even the lottery.

And yet, my life was not what I wanted it to be.

At first I blamed it on the system.  And the government.

Then I decided it was because  too many of my thoughts where not aligned correctly.

But after looking into my subconscious mind.

I simply had not implemented a reliable and repeatable strategy for getting my mind where it needed to be.

This was embarrassing.  I pride myself on my systems.

My life was going to change no matter what!

But getting my own life to change was just the beginning.  I had no system in place 

There was no system I knew of...

And my results? They were all willy-nilly.

I tried some traditional methods, but didn't  have success with those traditional systems.

I even tried going "edgy. I created a false reality out of "fear"

So I decided to try a few different, unconventional methods of my own design.

Most, of all of them didn't work.

With the exception of one.

It turned out that by using numerology, I had discovered a system I could use over and over again to get my manifesting mojo moving.

And it was completely plug and play.

that meant I didn't need extra work on my subconscious mind, no manipulation, NO cutting back on my daily life.

And once I plugged my new Vibrational formula system into play, I began to enjoy consistent, higher self awareness and more jackpots that I won. 

Then The magic happened.

 💚 With the massive increase in my vibrational energy, my jackpots increased...

 💚With my increased jackpots, more people saw my new energy and outlook...

 💚 With more people viewing my energy levels the more they asked about me...

Here Are Some #Wins From The Lottery Challenge

So, a couple of days ago I bought a ticket

That was not a winner. It was not the outcome I wanted so I replayed the day while meditating (one of the winning umbers what I envisioned) Today I went back to the store and bought the same ticket and won!  We can really create our reality and I’ve learned so much in this group and with Mark A Haughton teachings, my bills arepaid no worries, and money comes earlier than expected. I’m so thankful!!!!

Lakeshu Fashay Duckett  

Those Vibrational #’s…

Ain’t nothing to play with. Played 1 $5 ticket using my vibrational # to select it, and God blessed with $500. God is good thank you brother Mark A Haughton 100%

Joshua Henderson 

I think Getting a law of attraction Wealth Mentor.

Was the single best thing I’ve ever done for myself and my life… amazing! I’m so motivated!!!And ready to realize my goals! 1 items manifested so far and 1 within the next day or two!!!!


Winning All The Time!!!!

Wednesday May 31st 2017 I won $2,900.00. Wednesday November 1st I won $5,000.00. On Sunday November 5th, 2017 I won $400.00. Friday December 29th, 2017 I won another $5,000.00


Introducing The Lottery Challenge

The Vibrational Formula That Enables You to Win More Jackpots.

You can unlock the full Vibrational Formula System in just the next few minutes.

I've also included exclusive training audios to ensure your quick and easy application of the system.

This page is the only place on earth  you can find the step-by-step blueprint to putting this to work inside your subconscious mind.

Once you dive into your materials, you'll have a single most effective tool to get your jackpots rolling in.

Even in the most negative environment!

Creating this system has taken me almost an entire decade of in-the-trenches headaches and experience.

And this is

The Most Effective Method

I've Ever Seen At Getting Your Jackpots Today!

Who is The Lottery Challenge for?

Grab Your Vibrational Formula Training Included with The Lottery Challenge.

Now and Get These Free Bonuses!

Bonus #1: Release Resistance Subliminal

"Use These powerful Subconscious mind resistance removers."

Total Value:  $20.20

This powerful audio subliminal is designed to help you:

  • Let go of resistance that's been holding you back from your goals
  • Break free from negative patterns and behaviors keeping you stuck
  • Attract more success and abundance into your life by aligning your energy with your desires

Resistance is one of the most significant barriers to manifesting your desires, including lottery wins. When you consciously or unconsciously resist your goals, you create energetic blocks that hinder your progress and make it difficult to align with the abundance you seek.

This resistance can manifest in various forms, such as:

  • Doubting your ability to win the lottery or believing that you don't deserve it
  • Holding onto negative emotions like fear, anxiety, or frustration around money and success
  • Engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors that undermine your efforts to attract abundance
  • Clinging to limiting beliefs and stories about your relationship with luck and financial prosperity

The Release Resistance Subliminal is designed to help you let go of any resistance that is holding you back from achieving your goals. This audio subliminal will help you break free from any negative patterns or behaviors that are keeping you stuck. With this subliminal, you'll be able to start attracting more success into your life.

Get This FREE When You Order Today!

Bonus #2: 888 Allow Abundance Subliminal

Powerful Abundance Relaying messages straight into your subconscious mind!

Total Value: $18.18

The 888 Allow Abundance Subliminal is a transformative audio tool that will:

  • Help you open up to abundance in all areas of your life
  • Assist you in breaking free from a scarcity mindset that's been limiting your progress
  • Enable you to attract more success and abundance by reprogramming your subconscious mind

The number 888 holds a powerful energetic significance in the realm of abundance and prosperity. Often associated with infinite abundance, 888 is believed to be a sign from the universe that you are aligned with the flow of wealth and success.

By incorporating 888 into this subliminal audio, we harness its potent vibrational frequency to help you attune to the energy of abundance and allow it to permeate every aspect of your life, including your lottery manifestations.

The 888 Allow Abundance Subliminal works by:

  1. Reprogramming your subconscious mind to release limiting beliefs around scarcity and lack
  2. Implanting powerful suggestions that reinforce your worthiness and ability to attract wealth
  3. Aligning your vibrational frequency with the energy of abundance, making you a magnet for prosperity
  4. Helping you cultivate a mindset of gratitude and openness, which is essential for manifesting your desires
  5. Reinforcing the idea that the universe is conspiring in your favor, providing you with endless opportunities for abundance

The 888 Allow Abundance Subliminal is designed to help you open up to abundance in all areas of your life. This audio subliminal will help you break free from any scarcity mindset that is holding you back from achieving your goals. With this subliminal, you'll be able to start attracting more success and abundance into your life.

Get This FREE When You Order Today!

Bonus #3: Facebook Community The Power of Shared Success

Get Community Support at your finger tips!

Total Vale: Priceless!

When you join The Lottery Challenge, you'll gain exclusive access to our private Facebook group. Connecting with like-minded individuals on the same journey to success is crucial for manifesting your desires. In this supportive community, you'll be able to:

  • Share your experiences and learn from others
  • Ask questions and receive guidance from experienced manifestors
  • Celebrate your wins and find motivation to keep moving forward

Get This FREE When You Order Today!

Bonus #4: Email Support: Personalized Guidance Every Step of the Way

Email Support: Personalized Guidance Every Step of the Way

Total Value: Priceless!

As a member of The Lottery Challenge, and the vibrational Formula  you'll have direct access to our dedicated email support team. Whenever you have questions, need clarification, or want some extra support, simply reach out via email. Our team is here to provide personalized guidance and help you stay on track towards manifesting your lottery wins.

Get This FREE When You Order Today!

When You Order Today

  • You will learn to develop your sub-conscious mind that makes you attract your desires. 
  • You will be able to confidently manifest your jackpot with ease. That will attract more abundance within your life.
  • You will confidently gain new understanding of the universe. Take control of your life and your well-being.
  • You will learn valuable life lessons and increase your self-worth. You'll become the best version of yourself by immensely raising your value.

Whichever You Choose, The Lottery Challenge Will Help You Get There.

I am going to teach you how to manifest the simple way.

How you can use your sub-conscious mind the correct way.

It’s the full stack of knowledge and skill that you’ve been searching for.

Don't let this opportunity slip away. Click the link below to join The Lottery Challenge and start manifesting your jackpot today!


Your Friend,
Mark Haughton

P.S. Your vibrational numbers are just the beginning. Unlock their full potential with The Lottery Challenge.

Once you sign up, you will be sent to another page that has a bunch of links just click the links and your in!

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